Gaza in Context Collaborative Project is part of the Palestine in Context Project. It brings together 24 premier University and research institutions and involves a weekly convening of conversations/teach-ins/Podcasts and other activities. It aims both to introduce our common university communities, educators, researchers, and students, as well as the general public, to a host of issues related to Israel's ongoing Genocide in Gaza. The project includes a curated Teaching Module for the classroom and other uses. |
Gaza in Context Project Co-Organizers
1. Arab Studies Institute
2. Georgetown University’s Center for Contemporary Arab Studies 3. George Mason University’s Middle East & Islamic Studies Program 4. Rutgers University’s Center for Middle Eastern Studies 5. Birzeit University Museum 6. Harvard University’s Center for Middle Eastern Studies 7. Brown University’s Center for Middle East Studies 8. University of Chicago’s Center for Contemporary Theory 9. Brown University’s New Directions in Palestinian Studies 10. Georgetown University’s Center for Muslim-Christian Understanding 11. Simon Fraser University’s Centre for Comparative Muslim Studies 12. Georgetown University-Qatar |
13. American University of Cairo’s Alternative Policy Studies
14. Middle East Studies Association’s Global Academy 15. University of Chicago’s Center for Middle Eastern Studies 16. CUNY’s Middle East and Middle Eastern American Center 17. University of Illinois Chicago’s Arab American Cultural Center 18. George Mason University’s AbuSulayman’s Center for Global Islamic Studies 19. University of Illinois Chicago's Critical Middle East Studies Working Group 20. George Washington University’s Institute for Middle East Studies 21. Columbia University's Center for Palestine Studies 22. New York University's Hagop Kevorkian Center for Near Eastern Studies 23. Security In Context Project |
Join us for our new series on "What Have We Learned?"
Our Most Recent Events:
Teach-In (#30) Understanding US New Media's Complicity in Israel's Genocide |
Teach-In (#31) Mortality Estimation in Gaza: Between Politics and Reality
Gaza Conversations: Resisting the Ratcheting Up of Repression in Academia and On Campus
On Academic Freedom:
Teach-In (#29): Deconstructing Western Media Narratives
Other recent teach-ins!
The War on Palestine | Podcast
The War On Palestine Podcast is a 20-minute regular program that comprises updates on what is happening on the ground in Palestine as well as some focused analysis on how to make sense of those developments. Hosted by Ziad Abu-Rish and Noura Erakat; Produced by Bassam Haddad. |
Episode 3 :: "Watch" on Youtube
Episode 2 :: "Watch" on Youtube
Episode 1:: "Watch" on Youtube
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Gaza 101
Gaza in History
Human Rights, Gaza, &
Media Coverage
UNRWA Funding
Present-Absent Pt. 1