Index of Composite Modules:
Composite Modules
- 01 - Introductory Module
- This is the first of our Composite teaching Modules and is organized by episodes that constitute an introduction to the current state of affairs and the ongoing Genocide.
- 02 - Weaponizing Anti-Semitism Module
- `In this composite teaching module, we have curated segments of teach-ins around the theme of Media Discourses. One of the most visible fronts of the struggle against Zionism has been discourses and debates in every form of media from social media to mainstream cable news outlets. Within these forums we see the fight for discursive power manifesting through competing narratives. In contemporary media narratives October 7th has become a new a milestone event and its own discourse that proponents of Zionism have utilized to justify Israel’s genocide in Gaza. In these segments, our experts explain Zionist narratives dominate media discourses around Palestine and obfuscate Israel's crimes and Palestinian suffering. This composite teaching module will offer students the discursive resources and knowledge to push back against dominant and hegemonic narratives that justify the ongoing occupation and genocide of the Palestinian people.
- 03 - International Law Module
- In this composite teaching module, we have curated segments of teach-ins around the theme of International Law. Our experts and speakers outline how international humanitarian and human rights law is relevant to the current situation in Palestine broadly and Gaza specifically. Speakers explore how international law in theory could be used to help Palestinians achieve their rights and freedom, and how it has failed in practice. They also address what international law says about Israeli occupation, apartheid, and genocide in Palestine. In what ways is Israel violating international law? How is international law being hampered in addressing the violations of it by Israel? What can international law do for Palestinians?
- 04 - Media Module
- In this composite teaching module, we have curated segments of teach-ins around the theme of Media Discourses. One of the most visible fronts of the struggle against Zionism has been discourses and debates in every form of media from social media to mainstream cable news outlets. Within these forums we see the fight for discursive power manifesting through competing narratives. In contemporary media narratives October 7th has become a new a milestone event and its own discourse that proponents of Zionism have utilized to justify Israel’s genocide in Gaza. In these segments, our experts explain Zionist narratives dominate media discourses around Palestine and obfuscate Israel's crimes and Palestinian suffering. This composite teaching module will offer students the discursive resources and knowledge to push back against dominant and hegemonic narratives that justify the ongoing occupation and genocide of the Palestinian people.